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Cardinal Jean Marie Rodrigue Villeneuve
1883 - 1947

On retrouve la sépulture du Cardinal Villeneuve dans la crypte de la Basilique Notre- Dame de Québec .
Voici quelques photos que j'ai eu la chance de prendre lors de la visite . Gros merci a Claudia .

The Cardinal Villeneuve was buried shortly after his death in the crypte of the Basilic Notre-Dame of Quebec .
Here some pictures that I was allowed to take . Special Thank to Claudia .
Photo prise de moi-meme (Annie Villeneuve ) et de la sépulture du Cardinal lors de ma visite
dans la crypte de la Basilique Notre-Dame de Québec .

These picture of myself beside the Cardinal's gravestone .Were taken in the crypte of the Basilic Notre-Dame , in the old part of Québec city .
Many well known people of the Catholic Church are also buried in this church .

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